Cata Wiki

By this time, you may have noticed that I have left this wiki for a time now (and trust me, I fixed this place up when I came to town), this is because I have to continue on with my daily life, y'know, my...


...subscriptions (no regrets).

I'm already in 8th grade and am taking college courses at MIT online at school, so I'm not available during the morning during the week days. I can usually be found online from around 1:30 in the afternoon to 11:00 - 12:30.

On another note, this wiki has seriously improved since I first came here.

What I found then.

  • A home page.
  • Warcraft-related articles that were HORRIBLY, HORRIBLY made/edited.
  • A sad, sad excuse for a wiki, kinda fitting for the man it was about. //shot

But seriously, I'm the one who created the following pages...

  • Jesse Cox
  • TotalBiscuit
  • The Yogscast
  • Terraria

After my hiatus, I checked back to see people on this formerly deserted wiki. I felt kinda proud that my own work has been acknowledged by some.

I'm most likely gonna be either

  1. ...checking this wiki more frequently as of the date shown above.
  2. ...on OMFGWiki hiatus once more.